Links to garden related websites
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Allotment Growing
Drapers Organics
Contemporary hemp home interiors, hemp shower curtains & bags. Retail/ trade welcome.
Garden and Landscape Design
Laara Copley-Smith garden designer working within the London and home Counties area
Gardener Brighton
Garden Talk
Categorized resource directory for everything about garden talk.
Keepers Nursery
Lets go Gardening
Living Ethically
We provide information on organic, ecological & ethical living
The Garden Planner
The Solar Garden
Landscape your garden by the power of the sun
Urban Jungle Exotic Plant Nursery
A nursery specialising in exotic plants such as bananas, cannas, gingers, tree ferns and aroids\n
Welsh Fruit Stocks
World of Carnivorous Plants
Web site dedicated to the fascinating world of carnivorous plants